Sunday, February 21, 2010

Missing Somebody?

Life sometimes throws a curve ball at you that you have to learn to hit. One of the curve balls of life is when somebody close to you moves away for one reason or another. This might not necessarily mean moving countries, it might mean moving away from you. When you go through this in life, you have to learn to deal with the emotions, such as anger and missing somebody or something. When you miss someone so much, it's hard to come face to face with the truth. Although you have to. Dealing with this strange emotion will eventually cause you to become a stronger person. People can deal with this through by doing different things. Some over eat because they feel that food will fill the emptiness, others overwork themselves either physically or mentally. Eventually you can come clean and realize that you are missing that one special thing. In the end, I think that this strange emotion helps shape us as people and cause us to become the people we are today.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Life - Full of Ups and Downs?

Everyone knows that you can't always get what you want in life. What if two people wanted the same thing in life but because they couldn't resolve their issues they could never accomplish that? Yeah life has its ups and downs, but sometimes the downs are too low one wonders whether they can come back up again. I believe that one can reach a certain low and stay there.. but over time, no one knows how long it's going to take but you can eventually fix yourself alone and put yourself back together. Time is sometimes all we have, or in some cases don't have. We just have to try and live life to its fullest, take in the ups and downs and become better people from the experiences we went through..